diumenge, 30 de maig del 2010

The trilogy: Uglies, Pretties and Specials

Uglies is the first book in the trilogy by Scott Westerfeld.

It is set in a retro-futuristic society in which everyone, at age 16, he underwent surgery to make them "perfect."

The book begins when Tally, the protagonist, who is about to turn sixteen, met another girl "imperfect," Shay, whose birthday is as at the same day as her.
Shay, unlike Tally doesn't want to be in perfect convert-known and as rebels who escaped to a place called "Smoke" she decides to not to turn-in is perfect. But when she says Tally, she says to Shay that she don't want to go.
In Tally's birthday, her illusion vanishes when the "special circumstances" formed by a kind of perfect gives to her two options: either go for Shay and betray her friend or not ever become perfect.

The second book in the trilogy is Pretties and the last book is Specials.

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