diumenge, 30 de maig del 2010

The books of the Shadowhunters

The Shadowhunters is a series of books which the first is City of Bones.
City of Bones, is the first book of the Shadowhunters by Cassandra Clare.

The book begins in Pandemonium, the trendy nightclub in New York, where the protagonist, Clarissa Fray, follows a boy with blue hair presence until his death at the hands of three young covered with strange tattoos.
The next night, Clary goes with his best friend, Simon, to a bar to see an action at a mutual friend. There there is Jace, one of the three young men, and at that time Clary receives a disturbing call from her mother, so she goes quickly to his apartment. There she is attacked by a demon. When Jace finds, takes her to school, where he lives and is trained to kill demons.
Since then, her fate will be linked to that of the three youths.

The characters in the books are:
Clary Fray, Jace Wayland, Simon Lewis, Isabelle Lightwood, Alec Lightwood, Luke Garroway, Magnus Bane, Valentine Morgenstern and Hodge Starkweather.

The second book in the series is City of Ashes, the third is City of Glass and the fourth is City of Fallen Angels

If you want more information about the books, you can go to these addresses:

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