diumenge, 30 de maig del 2010

The immortals books

The Immortals is a sequence of novels written by Alyson Noël.

After a horrible accident claims the lives of her family, sixteen-year-old Ever can see people's auras, hear their thoughts, and know someone's entire life story by touching them. Going out of her way to avoid human contact and suppress her abilities, she has been branded a freak at her new high school, but everything changes when she meets Damen Auguste.

Damen is beautiful, exotic, and wealthy. He's the only one who can silence the noise and random energy in her head - wielding a magic so intense, it's as though he can peer straight into her soul. As Ever is drawn deeper into his enticing world of secrets and mystery, she's left with more questions than answers. And she has no idea just who he really is - or what he is. The only thing she knows to be true is that she's falling deeply and helplessly in love with him...

The characters in the book are:
Ever Bloom, Damen Auguste, Sabine, Riley Bloom, Drina Auguste, Ava, Haven and Miles

The second book in the series is Blue Moon, the third is Shadowland the four book is Dark Flame, the fifth is Night Star and the last is Untitled.

If you want more information about the books, you can go to this address:


Graceling is a fantasy novel and science fiction, the first work of writer Kristin Cashore. It tells the story of a warrior's journey of initiation and self-discovery.

The gracelings are people born with an extremely talented, known as grace. There are very few and find them quite unusual, they were afraid to be different and often are exploited by their extraordinary abilities. They are recognized by the different color for each of their eyes.

Katsa, the protagonist, is capable of killing people with their own hands since the age of eight years and is famous within seven kingdoms by the violence carried out on behalf of his uncle, King Randa. Katsa trying to appease their conscience for all acts of violence that has taken place, but instead to challenge the authority of his uncle about itself, build an underground organization that promotes justice from cruelty and abuse of power. During the course of a secret mission, she will meet Po, another fighter in grace and to be the first person to match their skills. Form a link between the two that allows both to know and recognize themselves as the realm in which they live.

The characters in the book are: Katsa, Po, King Leck, Bitterblue, Prince Raffin, King Randa, Oll, Giddon and Captain Faun.

The second book is: Fire and it tells the story of a very special Graceling thirty years before it develops the story of the first book.
If you want more information about this book you can go to this address:

Bel: Amor más allá de la muerte

Bel: amor más allá de la muerte, is the new novel for young people of all ages by Care Santos, an author of Mataró.

The novel tells the story of Bel, a 16 year old girl who returns home after suffering a serious accident ai an amusement park. Before arriving in the middle of the first chapter, we know the great sectret of the protagonist. She is dead. From this point, the story is structured like a thriller in which Bel must find the cause of her death and the reasons why her spirit remains bound to earthly life.

This lead her to an adventure where love and revenge are the only players.
If you want more information about the book, you can go to this address:

The trilogy: Uglies, Pretties and Specials

Uglies is the first book in the trilogy by Scott Westerfeld.

It is set in a retro-futuristic society in which everyone, at age 16, he underwent surgery to make them "perfect."

The book begins when Tally, the protagonist, who is about to turn sixteen, met another girl "imperfect," Shay, whose birthday is as at the same day as her.
Shay, unlike Tally doesn't want to be in perfect convert-known and as rebels who escaped to a place called "Smoke" she decides to not to turn-in is perfect. But when she says Tally, she says to Shay that she don't want to go.
In Tally's birthday, her illusion vanishes when the "special circumstances" formed by a kind of perfect gives to her two options: either go for Shay and betray her friend or not ever become perfect.

The second book in the trilogy is Pretties and the last book is Specials.

The books of the Shadowhunters

The Shadowhunters is a series of books which the first is City of Bones.
City of Bones, is the first book of the Shadowhunters by Cassandra Clare.

The book begins in Pandemonium, the trendy nightclub in New York, where the protagonist, Clarissa Fray, follows a boy with blue hair presence until his death at the hands of three young covered with strange tattoos.
The next night, Clary goes with his best friend, Simon, to a bar to see an action at a mutual friend. There there is Jace, one of the three young men, and at that time Clary receives a disturbing call from her mother, so she goes quickly to his apartment. There she is attacked by a demon. When Jace finds, takes her to school, where he lives and is trained to kill demons.
Since then, her fate will be linked to that of the three youths.

The characters in the books are:
Clary Fray, Jace Wayland, Simon Lewis, Isabelle Lightwood, Alec Lightwood, Luke Garroway, Magnus Bane, Valentine Morgenstern and Hodge Starkweather.

The second book in the series is City of Ashes, the third is City of Glass and the fourth is City of Fallen Angels

If you want more information about the books, you can go to these addresses:

divendres, 28 de maig del 2010

The trilogy: The Hunguer Games

The Hunguer Games is a novel of science fiction written by Suzanne Collins is the first book of the trilogy.

The war has transformed America into the country of Panem is divided into twelve districts controlled by the power of the Capitol. Without freedom and poverty, no one can leave his district. The thirteenth district was destroyed by the rebellion, and in commemoration of this fact and to remind people that should be submissive, held each year in The Hunguer Games, where two representatives from each district, a boy and a girl will be forced to survive a hostile environment and be enclosed in an outdoor stadium where the twenty-death struggle between them until a single survivor.

Katniss Everdeen, the protagonist, sixteen, risk every day across the electrified fence that separates the grain, the area of District 12 where she lives, the forest to hunt with his best friend, Gale, for her return, having something Aque feed her sick mother after the death of his father in the mines, and her sister, Prim, the only person that she really want.

It is about choosing the date on which the two taxes in District 12. If she fill out more papers with her name, she get more food and medicine but is more likely to be chosen to die.
The fragile balance in her life is broken when Prim is chosen to represent the district in the Hunguer Games because she is all that is left.

The second book in the series is Catching Fire, and the third book is scheduled to go on sale this year.

If you want more information, you can go to these addresses:

dimarts, 18 de maig del 2010

My first day

Hi everybody!!
I'm Eva and I will talk about my favorite books.
I'm going to do this because these are the books that left me without words.
This books are:
- The trilogy: The Hunguer Games.
- The books of the Shadowhunters.
- The trilogy: Uglies, Pretties and Specials.
- Bel: amor más allá de la muerte.
- Graceling
- The saga of 6 books: Evermore.